The Steps that lead to Eternal Salvation.


12573101_10205375593571763_8688573372173689824_nPillar church of Christ's photo.



1) Hear the gospel, for that is how faith comes (Rom. 10:17; John 20:30,31).

2) Believe in the deity of Christ (John 8:24; John 3:18).

3) Repent of sins (Luke 13:5; Acts 17:30).

4) Confess faith in Christ (Rom. 10:9,10; Acts 8:36-38).

5) Be baptized in water for the remission of sins (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom. 6:3,4; Gal. 3:26,27; 1 Pet. 3:21)      

6) Continue in the faith; for, if not, salvation can be lost (Heb. 10:36-39; Rev. 2:10; 2 Pet. 2:20-22)